Saturday, September 24, 2011

So another soap opera bites the dust. I remember my Grandmother watching this show, it was on for over 40 years. Grandma called it "All My Childrens" - cute, isn't it? Makes me worried about my show Days of Our Lives, which I have been watching for 16 years, five days a week, something like 4,000 episodes. What would I do without it?

The appeal to me is that anything can happen, the crazier, the better. This year Hope, breaking up with her husband Bo, starts taking a medicine that changes her personality at night, and she goes on a rampage, attacking men, the Mayor, other policemen (she's a cop) and even her ex, who she knocks out, pours gasoline on and is lighting him up when she is stopped. She goes to prison, where the prison matron is killing inmates and selling their body parts. Hope's cousin Jennifer gets involved and they take out her heart, put it in a cooler, then the hero doctor, replaces her heart back, and in a week she is fine. Hope solves the case, gets cleared, goes back to Bo and we go on to the next story. There are usually about 5 or 6 story lines at a time, weaving in and out during the week. Still one of my favorites is when Stefano dressed like Elvis, and seduced Susan, who had a baby EJ - Elvis Junior. Now that was early on in my watching, but Elvis is already married, divorced, married again, and has two or three kids. That's another thing about soaps, time can speed up, or slow down to a snail's pace, weeks going by and it is the same day.

People being buried alive occurs frequently, as well as babies being switched at birth. Dead cast members come back, healed and no one seems to notice. Bucky used to watch "Dark Shadows", a vampire soap opera, that my kids were hooked on as well. When in Beacon, they would all join Bucky in front of the TV every afternoon to get scared and then talk about the show for hours.

Solomon and Henry don't like Days, but they grudgingly let me watch, uninterrupted. During a commercial, Henry made the comment "Don't you just hate Judge Judy?", so I guess he puts Days on a higher scale than that. So do I.


Tivoli Bird's Nest said...

I forgot to add the best part - Bucky named me Linda after a character in a soap opera she listened to on the radio.

Anonymous said...

Hi, Linda, I loved Dark Shadows too. I really sympathized with Victoria, the governess. I heard they are making a movie of Dark Shadows. I can't wait for it to come out. Love, M