Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Yesterday at 4 minutes to 5 o'clock in the afternoon was the full moon of February, named in the Farmer's Almanac as the "full snow moon", oddly enough there isn't a flake of snow anywhere. But the full moon made me think of Bucky and her ritual of the full moon. Bucky loved to listen to the radio, the talk shows where people would call in with unusual and somewhat interesting information (kind of like the Almanac). Anyway one night Bucky heard the following: Do this at the exact time of the full moon, and you will get rich: Empty your purse or wallet, go out into the street in the light of the full moon and say the following three times: Moon, moon beautiful full moon, fill my empty purse.

I did this a couple of times with Bucky, standing on Falconer Street, and Timmy and I tried it again last night. I did hear of it working one time. My sister Maureen did it with a friend and her friend's husband won the lottery. I think Maureen said they later were divorced. Anyway, I have a feeling it still might work, so today I get the lottery ticket.

Another thing I learned from the Almanac is that Friday is St. Blaise's Day. Bucky told us that St. Blaise is the Saint of Sore Throats, having saved a boy who had a fishbone in his throat. Anyway, our church used to have a short ceremony on this day where you would get your throat blessed. My kids were always getting sore throats, so I said, Come on we are going to St. Blaise's day. Paul was skeptical, "what do I have to do?" "Nothing, I told him, "the priest will just put two candles around your throat and say a short prayer." Paul looked horrified. "Are they lit?" That would certainly make it more exciting. Well, off to get that lottery ticket. I'll let you know.


Anonymous said...

Your blog made me smile....I remember vividly, "Full moon, full moon, fill my empty purse." Bucky even convinced a neighbor of long ago, Julia, to join us on one of these nights....Never won money, but always had fun!!!!

Michael/Laura said...

I thought you had to spin around in a circle each time you said it, maybe that is what I am doing wrong! I missed out this time. Darn. I never have to go through the step of emptying my purse, it is that way naturally!