Tuesday, January 28, 2014

I remember hearing of an incident in Texas where a wife killed her husband by throwing a watermelon out of the window onto his head.  She was cleared of any punishment because the weather had been over 100 degrees for several weeks, and she used that as her justification.  "I couldn't take the weather or him any longer."  Well, I think days and days of near zero weather can do the same thing.

Timmy is a picky eater.  I don't mean he's hard to please, I mean he picks out the best things in the dinner so that the leftovers are always missing some essential item.  For example:  meatball soup without any meatballs, kielbasa and sauerkraut with no kielbasa.  The other day I made eggplant appetizer with eggplant, celery, onions, tomatoes and best of all - chopped up black olives.  The black olives are my favorite part of the dish.  Sure enough, the leftovers looked different - no black olives left.

Next Sunday is Super Bowl Sunday, the day when more home violence occurs than any other day of the year. This they blame on a combination of alcohol, heightened feelings about the teams, and the violence seen and approved of on television by millions of people.    I have a feeling, unless it warms up significantly, the hot lines will be full of calls this year. 

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