Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Mother turkeys are starting to come for corn with their babies.  Yesterday, it was a mother with nine babies, today one with thirteen.  They are adorable chicks and remind me of years ago when my mother brought home a dozen baby chicks.

She had seen an advertisement in the paper advertising "buy a pound of feed, get a dozen free chicks".  Bucky could never resist anything free.  (A&P used to give the first volume of encyclopedias free - we had several A's - we knew everything about Aardvarks, Alaska, and aviation, but that was it.)  Anyway, our father was in the hospital recovering from a heart attack, and Bucky brought home the baby chicks and the feed.  We made a corral in the living room, put down newspapers, and there they were. - peeping and hopping, delighting my younger sisters and brother.

When they got a little bigger, Grandma took them to a farm, all but two of them, Little Tim and Big Tim.  Little Tim was stupid - we found out they were males, roosters, who crowed at the early light.  Little Tim could only crow "Cock a " never could finish the doddle.  Of course our neighbors didn't like the noise, and Grandma and Poppy didn't like them scratching in their hedges.  So, when we went away for a week to Milford and the beach, we came home to no Little Tim or Big Tim.  Grandma said they joined the others at the farm, but we had a suspicion that she handled them in her own way. 

Cute little turkeys, cute little chicks, everything is cute when it's little .  Timmy says that's so we don't kill them.

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