Thursday, July 2, 2015

The turkeys are back, so I thought I would come back too.  Two mothers, one with two small babies, one with seven larger babies.  Today I saw one mother climb onto a high stump and watched as the babies tried to get up, half jumping and half flying.  This must be how they learn to fly.  No nest in a tree to push them out of. 

The Farmer's Almanac has a turkey story for July.  I love the Almanac, full of interesting information,  unlike the internet, there is no need to search, it's just there.  For example, July has two full moons, the first yesterday was the "full buck" moon, on the 31st, it will be the "full thunder" moon, a blue moon. This happens every 2 1/2 tears on an average (another tidbit from the almanac).  July loses19 minutes of daylight from the beginning to the end and in 2005 Jake the dog swam in annual 1.25 mile race from Alcatraz to San Francisco.

Bucky always said "after the fourth of July, the summer is over", a saying that would bring disgust, school just was out, how could it be over?  Yet, time has proven her right again, the summer will fly, like the baby turkeys, and we will be back in reality.

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