Saturday, October 24, 2015

About a month ago I sent my grandson Shane a letter.  He goes to early college and I hadn't had a chance to say goodbye, so I wrote a letter, stuck in a few bucks, and sent it off.  A few weeks later I asked his father if he had gotten the letter, I wasn't sure if he still had that post office box number.   Paul said he would ask him and I forgot about it.

Then last week, talking to Paul on the phone he said that Shane brought home the letter for his father to read it to him.  I said is my handwriting that bad? and Paul said "no, he can't read script."  Now this blew my mind.  A kid in college that can't read script.  I talked to Sabra about it, and she told me they don't teach script in school anymore.  No penmanship, no three lined paper, with each letter just the right height, nobody is learning to write or read script anymore.  Just not taught in grade school at all.

I can just picture a class going to a museum and staring at the Declaration of Independence. I had a teacher once who would call sloppy writing "chicken scratches" "How do you expect me to read and grade you with all these chicken scratches?"  So these kids are staring at the 200 year old precious document and not being able to read a word of it - nor recognize the John Hancock signature.  All chicken scratches.  Am I nuts or is this crazy?

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