Tuesday, December 9, 2008

I've been thinking about hibernation. Last week's paper had a review of a book written by a New Paltz professor about a woman being put into a coma for two weeks to lose weight. It's fiction, but this is entirely possible today with medically induced comas. I'd rather hibernate. Last year the New York Times had an article about human hiberation that was known about in Russia (the people said 7 months of winter, 5 months of hell, so that tells you something about their lives). But the one I was interested in was a town in France which produced wine where the peasants would hibernate once the grapes were harvested and the wine was made. Their work was done for the year and there was no reason to wake up each day. It showed a picture of a family sleeping with their arms around their animals - a cow, sheep and pigs. Rotating, one member of the family would stay awake to tend the fire and the family would wake to eat a piece of stale bread every now and then. A long winter's nap. This appealed to me and I've been drawn to that thought now that the days are gray, darkness comes so early and even the mornings take a while to arrive. Just get under the covers and like Sleeping Beauty, wait until a prince comes to wake you up, a well rested, 30 pounds thinner you, get rid of the animals and get on with life. But, there is Christmas coming faster each day, Team Ria searching for the lost doubloon (our new member, Rob, has been coming up with the greatest ideas - he's found a shipwreck, numerous places to search including a sewer plant, can't miss that) and they called to tell us Maria's stone has come to Red Hook, to be put in place by next week. Sabra asked what does it look like, and the man said it hasn't been uncrated yet....too much going on. I'll hibernate next month.


Michael/Laura said...

Well just let me know when you are ready Mom, as I can make sure you have plenty of bread to snack on. But for now I agree too much happening and I really don't want to miss any of it. I am struggling with clues in code right now, it is really tough! How the Hell did Nancy Drew do it?

Anonymous said...

Hi, everybody-lie has a way of just moving us along one step at a time 'though hibernating thru the ice and snow of our fast approaching winter is appealing.
Ever since the time change, I go to bed earlier and earlier. Dark sets in and up the dogs and I go. Every time they warm me up faster than any heating pad or hot water bottle possible, I think of the Innuit saying "a 2 dog night" referring to how many dogs it would be needed to keep warm. My 2 dogs do just fine....

Keep warm, keep busy, keep on with life. Love You All, K

Anonymous said...

Hi all again-of course, I meant life not lie-oops!K