Thursday, December 31, 2009

Hard to believe this year is ending in a few hours. It wasn't a bad year - all things considered, the economy (I guess that says it all) the economy with all its concerns and uncertainty. But here are what I myself consider the best things of 2009.

(1) The Wacky Raft Race. When I first told my family this was my favorite thing of the year, they looked at me like I was crazy. But it was wonderful. Being on that little raft, in the middle of the river, just trying to make it to Catskill made for an exciting, amusing, exhausting, exhilerating experience. And we made it - did not even consider quitting. My family at their best. And being on that raft, with just my family, for all those hours, was more time than we have spent together, alone, in a long time. Sabra is already planning our next wacky race.

(2) Maribeth giving me the woodpecker painting. So unexpected, so kind, so touching. God Bless you Maribeth and family. Everytime I look at it, it makes me happy.

(3) Meeting Caleb Potter at the Oysterfest. After all those months, in which he played the invisible but prominent role in our family, in our thoughts, in our prayers, the boy that survived. In some way his recovery, his continued recovery gives hope. And he looked so good, and kissed me, I can still feel the stubble of his beard. God Bless you too Caleb. I continue to read his mother's blog and keep him in my thoughts and his Christmas card to me is placed with honor near Maria's picture.

(4) The week in Wellfleet with my family. The Monkey Party, the snail race, laughing in bed with my sister Maureen, the surprise visit of John O'Leary and family, the mermaid sand lady, all the experience - even being in the same cottage that I had shared with Ria for her last trip to the Cape - like the commercial says "priceless".

(5) Sharing with Margaret her last year with us. Zach's pirate show in Catskill, eating the boxed supper after the show down at the Park, drinking a beer with her on my birthday, walking with her at the Street Painting, and finally speaking and sharing at her memorial. Rest in Peace Margaret.

I probably will think of another hundred or so things that I should have included, but right now I am happy with the above. Happy New Year - bring on 2010. God Bless.


Anonymous said...

Thank you, Linda, for sharing your best memories of 2009. It made me think of a few of my own, also-mine were recent-sharing Christmas with Mina this year. Putting the birds on the Advent Bird house with her-"nanny, I think of our birdies everyday!" She loved placing the last bird-the Christmas dove-on it's perch on Christmas Eve. Having Tyler survive his latest escapade and David, in all seriousness telling me, "you can't kill that dog, Kath, believe me, I've tried!"Getting Sarah and Ben's adorable Christmas card with her holding that chicken, affirming to me that she will be all right after their loss. Waiting in a check out line before Christmas after a particularly hard day at work, still feeling so very sad about Sarah's miscarriage, and a very colorful Jamaican woman came up to me with her lilting accent and asked for the time. When I gave it to her she said "you precious angel, God loves you!" Instead of backing away nervously, I smiled at her, thanked her, and said I know. My 2010 wish for all my friends and loved ones is you precious angels, God loves you and you will all reply, "we know." Love, Peace, and Light, K

Anonymous said...

Linda, I am so happy that you included our Cape Cod laughing fit as one of your best memories. That too is one of mine. All I need to do is think of us laughing and laughing and I again laugh out loud. I too felt so close to Ria on that trip and oh, what a wonderful feeling. Here is to a happy and healthy New Year. Love to all my family. M.