Tuesday, December 25, 2012

What happened to me this weekend reminded me of Bucky.  Bucky was in the hospital for tests and Bob, Diane and I went to visit her.  As soon as we got in the room, Bucky sat up and said, "Good news, I have leukemia".  We looked horrified, so she explained, "The good kind".  I had a stroke this weekend, but it was the good kind.

A TIA or transient Ischemnic Attadk is a "warning Stroke" that causes stroke-like symptoms.  It happens when a blood clot temporarily blocks an artery in the brain or neck - mine was in the brain.  A TIA can happen fast and does not last long.  Mine was just a few minutes, upon waking, trying to walk, feeling very strange and calling for Tim to help me downstairs.  By the time I got on the couch, I felt better and asked him to make me a cup of peppermint tea.  I did notice my right hand and arm were weird, and the next morning when I went to do the Jumble, my handwriting was terrible, like either a child's or a very old person.  My blood pressure was sky high, so I decided to go the hospital.  Good thing.  Anyway,  I was told a TIA does not damage the brain and I will get back to a normal handwriting.

So that is my Merry Christmas gift and a wake up call that I love my WHOLE family and am very glad to be with them.  Love to all and a Blessed and Merry Christmas

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